Whether you're choosing a breeding sire or starting a new herd, when looking for Angus cattle for sale, it makes sense to start with the best stock available. Jorgensen Land & Cattle has over 60 years of experience with a disciplined quality breeding program....
How Agriculture Affects Everyday Life in Every Country Around the World
Agriculture has a direct impact on the lives of everyday people. It is the force behind the production of essential food crops. Agriculture is what gives life to the economy. It could be something simple like dairy cows for sale or the distribution of food to grocery...
Look For Industry Leading Specs For Liquid Fertilizer Applications and Transport
Look For Industry-Leading Specs For Liquid Fertilizer Applications Anyone who deals with seasonal crops as a lifestyle knows exactly what kind of performance they need out of their equipment such as the liquid fertilizer applicator. Without a dedicated system based on...
Bull Calves for Sale and Lease
To breed and raise beef for a profit requires hard work and dedication. So much of farming is outside of your control, such as weather and prices, that it makes sense to control what you can. One area that you can control is the genetics of your cattle. Finding the...
Why a Turf Seeder Is Crucial to the Overall Health of Your Facility’s Turf
If you're responsible for the turf at a commercial facility, you know it's not enough for the turf in your charge to survive. Instead, the turf you oversee needs to thrive. While there are many components that go into maintaining beautiful, healthy turf, utilizing the...